Saturday, September 29, 2007
Added notes on the exam @ 7:50 PM
Please remember that in the exam, that for every marks you are given, you must write down at least one point. For example, if the questions is worth 4 marks, you must write down 4 points for your answer. If you are not sure of your answer, write down more to be on the safe side.Lastly, for the express stream, please take note that your paper is harder and so you must know your facts well. Stick to what I say about using the rubric for the natural vegetations and you will be fine. Here is a example of what you can do:
Take note that for the Normal classes the rubric is the same for you all for chapter 18, but you do not need to learn about the adaptations and distribution. However you do need to need to know the adaptation and dstribution of the tropical rainforest. You can find your information in chapter 19.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Exam, exam, exam @ 10:52 AM
Please take note that the exam questions will be based on chapter 14 to 21, N(A) classes will not need to learn chapter 20 and deciduous and coniferous forest in chapter 19.What to take not of in the chapters:
Chapter 14:
Learn the Benefits and problems that the river brings and the same for the Aswan High Dam. PLEASE know the difference between the dam and the river!
Chapter 15:
Learn about calculating annual rainfall, mean temperature & temperature range. Find out about parts and placing of the rain gauge and stevenson screen.
Chapter 16:
Find out the distinct features of the climographs of the three climates, polar, temperate and tropical.
Chapter 17:
Learn about the types of positive and negative effect of the weather and climates.
Chapter 18:
The 3 main types of vegetation and for the express class, which countries they are found.
Chapter 19:
How plants adapt in each natural vegetations and the importance of Bukit Timah Reserve.
Chapter 20:
Read my notes.
Chapter 21:
Examples of the 4 main types of benefits vegetations provide and the actions that can be taken at the 3 levels of protecting natural vegetations.
Be prepared for the class test next week. For the express class, you will have only your textbook for use, while the N(A) classes can use both their files and textbook. It will be open book all the way and you have 40 minutes to do your test.
Remedial is this Monday at 2 to 3pm, I cannot promise you if there can be another remedial in the week, but I will keep you updated.
Lastly, use the forum as much as possible and encourage others to do so, do not underestimate the power of the forum when it comes to exam time.
Friday, September 7, 2007
The Forum and the exam matters @ 2:05 AM
Hi all,It's been a while since I wrote on the blog, so here is the good news for you all. The forum is up! The link is Please register in by your username which is your the initials of your name plus your surname at the end. For example: John Tan Jia Wei will JJWTan. Your password will be of your own choice, so long you can remember it and no one can find out about it.
When school starts next week, all of you must submit your username and password to your class moderator and a copy to me for safekeeping and for security reason where anyone using vulgarities or making rude remarks online will be dealt with under school rules.
If you are going to discuss on the broader thread for everyone, please indicate your class and username at each message. For example: 1G-JJWTan.
Here are some helpful tips, in case of any matter
Do not hesitate to use the support forum for all the questions about the use of your forum :
For the express class, please take note that you will have to study everything from chapter 14 to 21 and for the normal classes, you will cover chapter 14 to 21, excluding chapter 20 and the last part of chapter 20 which is about the deciduous and coniferous forest. The normal classes will also not be required to know where each natural vegetation is located in each part of the world.
I will be conducting a remedial class for the express stream every Monday from 2 to 3pm in the IT Resource Room 2 starting next week for the next 3 weeks. All express students who had failed the common test from 10 marks to 14 marks are required to attend.
As for the normal classes, I have covered everything, so the next 3 weeks will be revision and more revision. So there is no reason to fail.